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 Evento: Bali-5° Int. Congress Asia-Pacific Hernia Society
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 Spedito - 19/09/2009 :  18:26:52  Link diretto a questa discussione  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'homepage di amministratore Send amministratore a Private Message  Aggiungi amministratore alla Lista Amici  Aggiungi alla Lista Ignora
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Bali-5° Int. Congress Asia-Pacific Hernia Society
giovedì 15 ottobre 2009

The 5° Internationa Congress Of Asia Pacific Hernia Society (APHS) 2009

Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel, Bali, Indonesia

Message from the President

Colleagues and friends . . .

It is truly a great honor for the Indonesian Hernia Society to host the 5th International Congress of Asia – Pasific Hernia Society, 15 – 17 October 2009, at the Discovery Kartika Plaza, Bali, Indonesia.

On this occasion we would like to invite all of you to come and participate in the APHS 2009. We are certain that each and every one of you will make this important meeting fruitful.

Come to Bali on 2009 will enjoy a marvelous meeting at the world famous Island of gods. Needless so mention Bali is one of the place that you must visit. The perfect combination of gorgeus tropical and beach landscape, exotic, preserved, and unique culture together with Balinese cuisine will certainly make the APHS 2009 an unforgettable event.

Bali easily reched from every corner of the word with direct flight from Jakarta, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Taipei, Seoul, Osaka, Tokyo and major cities in Australia.

The organizing committee is preparing a hight standard scientific program as well as memorable social event with culture performance and site seeing program.

Looking forward to meeting you soon in Bali and please visit the congress website for the program update.

With many thanks and sincerely regards,

Errawan R. Wiradisuria Secretary General

Barlian Sutedja Congress President

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