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 Evento: Pre Congress Course - Groin Hernia Repair
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 Spedito - 03/11/2006 :  23:02:55  Link diretto a questa discussione  Mostra Profilo  Visita l'homepage di amministratore Send amministratore a Private Message  Aggiungi amministratore alla Lista Amici  Aggiungi alla Lista Ignora
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Pre Congress Course - Groin Hernia Repair
mercoledì 29 novembre 2006

Dear Collegues,
On the occasion of the 20th World Congress of ISDS (International Society of Digestive Diseases), the Italian Chapter of EHS (European Hernia Society) has wanted to organise a Course of Hernia Surgery, which will put together the most famous Italian surgeons in this field.
Italian Surgery, with Bassini's technique, takes the credit for having been the first to propose a rational operation to treat inguinal hernia.
Less known is the most recent pre-eminence for Italian surgeons, who have been prompt and quick to adopt the principles of Lichtenstein s tension free technique. In a short time, in fact, they have become the most fervent supporters of prosthetic surgery in the world. Nearly all of the over 180,000 hernia plastic surgeries performed in Italy, every year, have involved the use of a mesh. Through the years, Lichtenstein's technique has been joined by other prosthetic operations of open surgery and laparoscopy. Each of them has found its own supporters, so that Italian surgery can offer today an extraordinary range of different techniques and experiences.
“Italian surgeons at work" is meant to be an invitation for colleagues from abroad but also the chance for up-dating all Italian surgeons.

Yours Sincerely,
Prof. Paolo Negro

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